Consider Mirena for your birth control after pregnancy
Start thinking of your postpartum birth control plan now, especially if getting pregnant again isn’t a part of your plan. Mirena IUD is over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy for up to 8 years.
The risk of perforation is increased if Mirena is inserted while you are breastfeeding, or if you have recently given birth.
It’s true. You can still get pregnant while breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding and Mirena
- You may use Mirena while breastfeeding, but whether or not you choose to breastfeed is between you and your doctor. However, it is important to know the facts related to breastfeeding and Mirena:
- Mirena is not likely to affect the quality or amount of your breast milk or the health of your nursing baby. However, isolated cases of decreased milk production have been reported.
- The risk of Mirena going into the wall of the uterus (becoming embedded) or going through the wall of the uterus is increased if Mirena is inserted while you are breastfeeding.
No daily routine
Mirena is a pill-free, low-maintenance birth control. There’s no daily routine. Instead, with Mirena, you will have to check for the threads once a month on your own. Things will get busy once the baby comes, so have a conversation with your doctor about your postpartum plans.
Mirena can be removed by your doctor at any time if your family plans change. Once removed, you can try to get pregnant right away.
About 8 out of 10 women who use Mirena and want to become pregnant usually can become pregnant in the first year after Mirena is removed.
You may be able to get a Mirena IUD immediately after giving birth or at your 6-week checkup.
Mirena is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy for up to 8 years, so you can family plan on your own terms.
The risk of perforation is increased if Mirena is inserted while you are breastfeeding, or if you have recently given birth.
The risk of expulsion is increased with insertion right after delivery or second-trimester abortion.
Keeping it real: what actual users are saying about Mirena
Listen to what these women have to say as they tell their story and share their real experiences with Mirena.
These influencers are Mirena users and have been compensated for their time. Individual experience may vary.

“…If getting pregnant isn’t part of your plan right now, ask your doctor if Mirena might be right for you.” - Influencer and Midwife Caitlyn (@themodernmidwife) on using Mirena as her birth control

“As an OBGYN, I talk to my patients about having a birth control plan in place before giving birth.” - Dr. Jessica Shepard, MD (@jessicasheperdmd), a Board Certified OBGYN

“…I had a discussion with my doctor about my options and we decided the Mirena IUD would be the right choice for me.”- Influencer and Physician assistant Shay (@txshay) on using Mirena as her birth control
Mirena® (levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system) is a hormone-releasing IUD that prevents pregnancy for up to 8 years. Mirena also treats heavy periods for up to 5 years in women who choose intrauterine contraception.
- If you have a pelvic or genital infection, get infections easily, or have certain cancers, don't use Mirena. Less than 1% of users get a serious pelvic infection called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
- If you have persistent pelvic or stomach pain, or excessive bleeding after placement, tell your healthcare provider (HCP). If Mirena comes out, call your HCP and avoid intercourse or use non-hormonal back-up birth control (such as condoms or spermicide). Mirena may go into or through the wall of the uterus and cause other problems.
Pregnancy while using Mirena is uncommon but can be life threatening and may result in loss of pregnancy or fertility.
- Ovarian cysts may occur but usually disappear.
- Bleeding and spotting may increase in the first 3 to 6 months and remain irregular. Periods over time usually become shorter, lighter, or may stop.
Mirena does not protect against HIV or STIs.
Only you and your HCP can decide if Mirena is right for you. Mirena is available by prescription only.
For important risk and use information about Mirena, please see Full Prescribing Information.